Monday, 21 November 2016

Sub-Conscious Mind - It's Mastery can create unlimited SUCCESS.

Why should immigrants know about the subconscious mind and how can they use it for their benefit?

What is subconscious mind?

It’s referred to a part of the mind that stores all that we practice over and over again; something that becomes second nature to us. Many of us don’t know about the subconscious mind. I believe your subconscious mind can help you integrate into a new culture. After immigrants move to a new country to live, for some people, subconsciously they still live in their countries of origin. In other words, all immigrants possess habits and attitude that they learned while living in their country so what happens is when they come to their new country, they still have those habits and attitude that worked for them while they were in their countries of origin. Those habits and attitude may or may not work while you are in a new country. I know people who had their habits and attitude from their countries of origin and within six months they were happily living here. They learned the new approach to adding to their performance and effectiveness, but their old habits and attitude didn’t become the blockage to their success. I also met people whose habits were a problem for them to get settled here. I have also met people whose attitude don’t support them to live here in a foreign country, and they keep struggling. These are the people usually face challenges getting a job and life that they want in a new country. Unless and until we redesign our habits and attitudes, we can’t get the success that we desire. When we know how our subconscious mind works and learn to let go of old habits and modify our attitude, we can excel in the path we choose to. A simple example would be as follows:
Example: I met this Doctor on Vancouver Island at a retreat. He came to Canada from South America. He was a doctor in South America. When he arrived in Canada, he was asked to give an exam again to become a Doctor in Canada. He was the person who never gives up. He was in his 40's. He studied and within three years passed the exam and got a residency in Canada. This doctor showed an attitude of "Never Give UP." It's impressive. Are you going to do whatever it takes to get what you want?

It’s our attitude that makes all the difference. When we spend too much time on complaining, we lose our focus on preparing for what we want. When we are complaining, people don’t like to stay around us. Watch your habits and attitude! He came to Canada and he had a clear intention without doubt, he would pursue his profession and will not give up. He got what he strived for.

Complaining usually happens when we have cultivated a habit of complaining in our past. It's second nature to our mind when a problem arises, we complain. This process of complaining is stored in our subconscious mind. We need to learn to re-frame and redesign what we learned before. We will find out more how our subconscious mind works and how we can assist ourselves modifying our habits and attitudes. Different immigrants have different challenges. Some people have a tendency to complain, some have a habit of coming late to work, some are unmotivated to take challenges that the new country gives, and some live in the past rather than living in the present and so on.

How Does Your Subconscious Mind Work?

The subconscious is the largest part of our mind. It contains all the messages we've received throughout our lives. It holds millions and millions of thoughts grouped into clusters that form beliefs, mindsets, and character traits. The relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds is like an iceberg. The conscious mind is represented by the visible tip of the iceberg, while the subconscious is represented by the huge lower portion of the iceberg hidden from view. You can't see the unconscious in action, but it certainly has a significant impact on your life.
The subconscious is the place where all of your learned behaviors reside. Once you learn to walk, you don't need to consider how to lift and place each foot to take the next step, do you? Of course not! Your subconscious mind automatically controls your next step or journey of your life. Similarly, when we first start riding a bicycle, we fall and learn. We practice so many times before we start riding our bike on a traffic road. Our subconscious mind makes a note of how to ride a bicycle. The more we practice, the more fearless we become in riding a bike. In the back of our mind, we register skills of riding a bike and it becomes second nature to us.
Your subconscious learns behavior through repetition and practice. Just as it learned to control your footsteps when you learned to walk, As your subconscious mind have precise information on how to walk without letting you think twice how to walk, it also can assist you to create your life’s journey based on what you’ve reinforced throughout your life. Living in a foreign country could be challenging. Our old habits and previous life experience may not support our survival in a new country. It’s important to learn new habits and gain new experience to ace your life in a foreign country.

[The mind is powerful, and you have more control than you think.” 

Our subconscious mind is awake and aware all the time, and it takes information in real time. If any information is conveyed to our subconscious mind, it doesn't make a difference if it was in the past or future. It treats any information as it is happening now and stores it. That's very powerful. We can feed any positive statement to it, and it would make it happen. I know an acquaintance who is a psychiatrist. She said she had a bad habit of procrastination. Whenever she makes a plan, she delays it by procrastinating. She said, "I started writing ‘to do list' for a day and make sure I do those ‘to do list' every day." Now, it's been six months, she hardly procrastinates. 

The good news is you can reprogram your subconscious mind by inputting and reinforcing new thoughts and actions! There are several different techniques you can use to tap into the subconscious mind and reprogram it to work the way you want to work. One technique is through hypnosis. You can do hypnosis through two methods. One is you can hire a professional to put you into a trance and put the message that you want your subconscious mind to hear (habits or practice that you want to cultivate or habits that you want to get rid of). The other way is to prepare an audio file in your voice or your friend’s voice about affirmations and scripts about habits and practice that you want to have and listen to it when you go to sleep. At sleep, our conscious mind rests and subconscious mind still working. Subconscious mind is awake at all times and listens to everything that`s going around us and especially at night it`s super active. 


Success story

This gentleman named Tony (name changed for privacy) was having a hard time getting a job. He had everything that’s needed like education, personality, good English, etc. to get a job in his profession. He had the right knowledge in his field. He always had the interviews and never got a job. His problem of failing to get a job was not his credentials but himself. He had the tendency to think negative all the time. He saw himself as not getting a job. Five senses run our human mind: hear, see, smell, feel and taste. Tony was running his past failure in interviews in his mind.  He was interviewed few times, and he found himself not getting a job. Following his interviews, he had built the habit of running the video of how he was interviewed one after another job and couldn’t pass any interviews. After hearing from the Hypnotherapist of how he was blocking his own success, he planned to do Hypnosis. He practiced one of the hypnosis exercises called "Theatre of a mind." The "theater of mind" definition was introduced by Rene A. Bastarache, director and founder of the American school of Hypnosis. The "Theatre of mind" is a very powerful tool to get your goals. He practiced it for less than a month, and it worked. Following is the explanation of "Theatre of mind." 
Rene A. Bastarache, explains as follows: The Theater of the mind is an incredible self-hypnosis technique that utilizes imagination training. While sitting in your comfortable, relaxed spot, imagine a movie screen directly in front of you with yourself on it as the leading actor. It is important to realize that this technique will work better if you imagine the movie screen outside your head little away from you rather than inside your head.
Tony took the help of hypnosis to eradicate his negative talks about getting a job. He sat down comfortably every morning, in a room where there are no noise. He closed his eyes and visualized in front of him getting a job in the companies he wanted to work. He made a movie of how every day to day work would look like. He is getting up early in the morning, taking a bus to work, stepping into his workplace, working with people confidently, getting the job done and getting a recognition. In his visualization, he also, used all our five senses. He felt amazing, tasted his morning coffee, hearing people working around him, smelling his morning coffee and seeing his computer. He practiced his visualization exercise every day. He did for three months and later within four months he found a job he wanted. He later said, “it’s a miracle.” At the beginning he was having a trouble believing it and later on he started forming a belief that he can very well pass an interview and get a job. His belief got stronger as each day passes by.
Hypnosis alone don’t do a magic. That’s a morning exercise and you need to take action every day to achieve your goal. Tony did his morning exercise and rest of the day he took massive action. He found the company’s name where he wanted to work. He applied for a job online and also walked into the company and did an informational interview telling the employer why he liked the company. He took the action one after another on a regular basis that created the result. Hypnosis creates absolute certainty in your mind that you can achieve and your action creates a reality and make it happen.

- Immigrant's Secret To Success by Manny Daid.

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